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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step​.​​


What some day started as a dream, today is a reality.

As the idea crossed our mind, a lot of things came to us.  But the path wasn't going to be easy...​


As time passed by and we managed to gather a guild with AWESOME people, we've raised and fall; but at the end, we've solved things as a family; Always together.


Today; Alitheia is one of the best ranked guilds in whole eden despite the level and the age of the guild.


We are always trying to do our best for our members and for the good of our guild. Because if you going to do something Do it BIG or just don't do it.


A web page designed to show, how much we love our guild. Visitors and members can just come and see some pictures, events or the awards given each month.


This is your webpage, it belongs to each one of our beloved members. Also, thanks to those members that have given us support everyday in this amazing journey and for those further days that will come. We promise we are going to keep working for you as team . This is just the beginning...

Nothing but Love.     


Nothing is impossible.


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